
The Cloud Concise Dictionary of Sparkling and Strange Words presents;


er·i·na·ceous – er-uh-ney-shuhs

Of, pertaining to, or resembling a hedgehog,
*see Martin Freeman

Comparative –  more erinaceous, superlative  – most erinaceous

From the Latin ērināceus

Unusual Extras;
A group of hedgehogs is known as an ‘array’.

The Sea Urchin was names after the hedgehog, as originally the hedgehog was referred to as ‘urchins’

Medieval bestiaries and illuminated texts from the 15th century depict hedgehogs gathering food with their quills.

One of the lesser known Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales is called ‘Hans my Hedgehog’ the subject matter of which revolves around a boy who is half hedgehog. Really.