I rarely reblog, but this is such a great post, with a spot on title to boot, so, I give you ‘ 38 ways you can finally stop being a Dick’

Ends and Beginnings

I subscribe to an online magazine called the Elephant Journal which describes itself as “it’s about a mindful life”. 

This online journal is one of many, too many, that I get on a daily and weekly basis about Buddhism, liberal Christian thought and mindfulness. Honestly I get so many I rarely read half of them but this particular email headline caught my attention; 38 ways you can finally stop being a D*ck

Here is Via Shivani Vyas, who wrote article, list of 38 suggestions;


1. Opt out of engaging in road rage. If someone does happen to show you their lovely middle finger, communicate the peace sign in return and just smile.
2. Be firm but courteous to telemarketers. Remember they are just doing their job to pay their bills.
3. Write a thank you card and mail it to someone who has helped you in any way, big…

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