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I absolutely love this art exhibition in France which finished in the past couple of days I think. Such imagination, a superb and innovative way for the artists to engage with the public. I wish I could have seen it. Enjoy, I guarantee every single one of you –points at the vast army of The Cloud – will be mesmerised.

By Adrien M & Claire B (do click on this link afterwards, there’s more to see)

Their words . . .

Mirages & miracles

A series of installations inhabited by digital animism.
Ranging from small to large-scale work, this corpus of installations offers a delicate coincidence between the virtual and the material using augmented drawings, holographic illusions, virtual-reality headsets, large-scale projections. It offers a unique ensemble of improbable scenarios that takes root in both the mirage and the miracle, and plays with the boundaries between true and false, the animate and the inanimate, the authentic and the deceptive, the magical, the wondrous, and the indescribable.


Mirages & miracles / Live Exhibition / New work December 2017, Les Subsistances, Lyon, France.