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As most of you are aware, Esme loves a nice cup of tea with her sticky bun of an afternoon/late morning/dead of the night –  therefore the following teapots by Michael Grafton are an absolute joy to behold.  Here are the two links I found for him, if you are not au fait (or care not a jot) with/for Facebook he does have a blog, however doesn’t use it much. I have gleaned from the Twits that in 2009 Mitchell started his own art-pottery company, Grafton Pottery, in Panama City. There is no online connection to that mind. I’m wild about his creativity.



I did try to keep the number of photos down some, but ultimately had to at least include the following set. Suitable for the maddest of tea parties . . .


The above . . . my favourite.

The detail of the mouse, beautiful cracked glazing.